What is Fan Art?
July 20, 2015 | Posted in ART, CULTURE & HISTORY, FANDOM | By sockii

Fan art has been a part of fandom communities for decades. From “Star Trek” and “Star Wars” to “Twilight” and “Harry Potter”, fans of television series, movies, books, music and anime – or even of a media genre as a whole – have been creating pieces of art based on their favorite heroes and heroines for years.
What Is Band Fanfiction?
March 12, 2015 | Posted in FAN FICTION | By sockii

You may be familiar with fan-fiction based on popular movies, books and tv series like Star Trek or Harry Potter. But what about fan-fiction based on popular music groups?
Can you teach an old convention new tricks?
June 2, 2014 | Posted in CONVENTIONS | By sockii

Last week I posted my MediaWest*Con 34 convention report, where I talked fairly extensively about the greying of the convention as a whole and how the event seems to be slowly dying. This has been an issue with MediaWest for some time…
Building a Niche Interest Wiki
April 23, 2014 | Posted in FANDOM | By sockii

We are all surely familiar with Wikipedia today – the user-edited online encyclopedia that we often turn to for facts, trivia, and all kinds of information we may search for. But Wikipedia is far from the only “wiki” online today…
Creator interactions with the fan fiction community
March 24, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY, FAN FICTION | By from the archives

Almost from the start of modern fan fiction community history, the creators were aware of fan fiction. Early interactions can be traced back to 1966 when a young writer named Joy Hill sent a note to J.R.R. Tolkien asking if…
Teens in fandom
March 22, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY | By from the archives

The fan fiction community has always had minors in it. This dates back to the early 1970s. Given this and the issues of adult content, many fanzines started requiring age statements before zines would be put in the post or…
Bandfic as RPF
March 21, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY, FAN FICTION | By from the archives

Bandfic as RPF ActorFic is traditional media fan fic, bandfic is not fan fiction and there is no such thing as Real Person Fic By Laura Hale This essay was originally published May 2006 on FanHistory.com The fan fiction community
History of feedback
March 20, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY, FAN FICTION | By from the archives

A historical perspective on Feedback By Laura Hale This essay was originally published May 2005 at FanHistory.com. Feedback. It seems like these days that almost everyone wants it. They can never get enough of it. Authors never seem to get the
What is fan fiction history?
March 20, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY, FAN FICTION | By from the archives

What is fan fiction history? By Laura Hale This essay was originally published June 2005 at FanHistory.com. One of the things of interest to a number of fan fiction scholars is the history of fan fiction. On the outside, it