5 Teen Chick Flicks from the 70’s and 80’s
January 30, 2016 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES | By Hannah Gold

Life for those of us in the “Sandwich Generation” can be quite stressful. Between our jobs and volunteering commitments, we are also caring for our children and aging parents. The need to get away and escape from the everyday pressures
The Judge Is A Movie Not To Miss
June 18, 2015 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES | By Nanci Arvizu

The Judge is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. I know it’s been out for awhile – 2014. I think I remember the trailer. And I might have been interested to see it back then.
Movie Review Oktober
April 6, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, BOOKS, CLASSICS, MOVIES | By Arthur Chappell

Eisenstein’s formidable 1926 silent classic heavily stylized reconstruction of the events of the Russian Revolution, as Lenin’s Bolshevik’s seized control of Petrograd (Leningrad). It was inspired by John Reeds’ journalistic, but biased record of the revolution, Ten Days That Shook The World, later filmed by Warren Beatty as Reds.
H G Wells And Orson Welles Meeting in 1940

H G Wells, who was travelling in the United States on a lecture tour, and safely away from the Luftwaffe bombing in Europe and London, expressed great amusement at the similarity of the names, Wells & Welles. He jokingly advises Orson Welles to drop the unnecessary extra e.
Theatre Review – Aristophanes – Birds
March 25, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, CLASSICS, COMEDY, FANTASY, HISTORICAL | By Arthur Chappell

Theatre Review – Aristophanes – Birds Spoiler alerts – c.5 BC Greek comedy is a medium I usually find mildly amusing, raunchy and philosophical, but not particularly funny. Even other works by Aristophanes, such as Lysistrata, in which
Double Indemnity: A Classic Film Noir
August 22, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES | By writerjoanne

Double Indemnity is one of the classic film noirs from the 1940s, a genre that was popular in that era. The movie received positive reviews and is credited with setting a standard for future films that followed a similar plot.
Marilyn Monroe’s First Starring Role: Dont Bother To Knock
May 5, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES, THRILLER | By writerjoanne

I thought had seen Marilyn Monroe all her major film roles. However, one day while searching through the classic movie selection in a store, I came across one I had never heard of before. It was called Don’t Bother
Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift in A Place in the Sun
April 26, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES | By writerjoanne

Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift were two of the biggest young stars in the movies by the late 1940s. It was inevitable that Hollywood would pair these popular actors together on the silver screen. A Place in the Sun turned
The Misfits: Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable’s Last Movie
April 23, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES | By writerjoanne

One classic movie I saw recently for the first time is The Misfits. I really had no idea what the movie was about, although I thought it was a comedy.The title gave me that impression, along with what little I
Stewart Copeland’s Orchestral Ben-Hur is a Visual and Musical Triumph
April 22, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, LIVE MUSIC, ORCHESTRAL MUSIC | By sockii

Saturday night in Norfolk, Stewart Copeland rocked the house with the premiere of his Orchestral Ben-Hur. The extravaganza featured Copeland on stage himself, alternating between drumkit and percussion rack alongside the 60-member Virginia Arts Festival Orchestra…