March 30, 2015 | Posted in COMEDY, FAN FICTION, FANDOM, MOVIES, SCIENCE FICTION | By Arthur Chappell

Is this the Lacuna offices? Oh good, perhaps you can explain to me why I just came here. I’ve forgotten already. Did I have my mind wiped already, possibly yesterday? That’ll save me a few dollars if I did.
I’d like to thank you for curing my Déjà Vu problem. I really don’t think I met you before, though your friend here looks a bit familiar.
H G Wells And Orson Welles Meeting in 1940

H G Wells, who was travelling in the United States on a lecture tour, and safely away from the Luftwaffe bombing in Europe and London, expressed great amusement at the similarity of the names, Wells & Welles. He jokingly advises Orson Welles to drop the unnecessary extra e.
Radio Play Review – The War Of The Worlds
March 26, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, HORROR, SCIENCE FICTION, SCIENCE FICTION | By Arthur Chappell

The panic, which would be greatly exaggerated in the weeks following the broadcast, could only happen during the more realistic fake live news reports portion of the play, but even there, events move far too quickly to be credible.
Theatre Review – Aristophanes – Birds
March 25, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, CLASSICS, COMEDY, FANTASY, HISTORICAL | By Arthur Chappell

Theatre Review – Aristophanes – Birds Spoiler alerts – c.5 BC Greek comedy is a medium I usually find mildly amusing, raunchy and philosophical, but not particularly funny. Even other works by Aristophanes, such as Lysistrata, in which
Exorcist III: Underrated Horror Film From 1990
February 3, 2015 | Posted in MOVIES, THRILLER | By Jason Sositko

Almost as good as the original I know that is a lofty statement, saying that this William Peter Blatty directed Exorcist rivals the original William Friedkin film. I have seen some very mixed reviews on the Exorcist III, that was
Why I Can Watch Rex Smith in Sooner or Later Over and Over Again
January 21, 2015 | Posted in MOVIES | By Hannah Gold

Rex Smith-A Teen Idol is Born On March 25, 1979, I turned on the television in my bedroom with the white furniture and the red shag carpet to watch a movie that did not interest my parents at all. As
Taxi Driver: A Psychological Thriller That Stays With You
January 17, 2015 | Posted in MOVIES, THRILLER | By Jason Sositko

*Spoiler Alert* Martin Scorsese’s 1976 epic Taxi Driver is one of those films that take more than one viewing to absorb it all to understand. I think I was in my early 20’s the first time I watched the movie,
Double Indemnity: A Classic Film Noir
August 22, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES | By writerjoanne

Double Indemnity is one of the classic film noirs from the 1940s, a genre that was popular in that era. The movie received positive reviews and is credited with setting a standard for future films that followed a similar plot.
August: Osage County Is An Intense Ensemble Film
May 26, 2014 | Posted in MOVIES | By writerjoanne

August:Osage County is a drama film that is set in the plains of northern Oklahoma in the hot month of August. It has been billed as a black comedy/drama, although I personally did not see it that way. The film
Marilyn Monroe’s First Starring Role: Dont Bother To Knock
May 5, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES, THRILLER | By writerjoanne

I thought had seen Marilyn Monroe all her major film roles. However, one day while searching through the classic movie selection in a store, I came across one I had never heard of before. It was called Don’t Bother